Brenda K.Whitehead
Attorney at Law
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The Law Office of Brenda K. Whitehead
403 Heights Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77007
Telephone (713) 426-5737
Email bkw@bkwhitehead.com
Dealing with a family law matter or being involved in other types of litigation which impact our daily lives can be one of the most stressful life events a person can go through. Much of this stress can be relieved by hiring an experienced and competent professional.
In her career, Brenda K. Whitehead has helped her clients successfully resolve their family law matters and she has been certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in family law since 1990. As an experienced trial attorney, she is not afraid to fight for you in the court room.
Brenda will help you avoid common mistakes that many people make that end up costing them in the long run.
Contact Brenda to set up an initial consultation.
Board Certified Family Law
Certified Mediator
Trained in Collaborate Law
Skilled Negotiator
Courtroom Advocate

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Family Law

Probate Law
General Civil Law

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